Problematic use of the internet and social networking services among the Polish youth
Łukasz Tomczyk
The paper sets out to diagnose the scale of the Problematic Use of the Internet (PIU) and problematic use of social networking services (SNS). The study was conducted in Poland in 2017, on the sample of 2670 adolescents (the mean age = 15,43 with a standard deviation of 1,5). For the research, the PIU test and the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale were used. During the analysis of the results, we have noticed that 2,2% of the young respondents show all PIU factors, whereas about 8% of them show half of the PIU indicators. However, even though girls use SNS much more often, about 25% of the female respondents show no sign of PIU. The research results have shown as well that the current forms of prevention applied at schools and in the families (parental control) do not contribute to a decrease in the PIU level among the adolescents. This group is heterogeneous, and users with elevated PIU factors are only a part of it. PIU, Internet addictions, and coexisting disorders are subject of in-depth analysis to identify the key predictors that would enable reliable and precise diagnosis of the situation, both in the individual dimension and the global social perspective.
Keywords: problematic use of the internet, internet addiction, social networking, Polish youth
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The article is in the printed version on pages 44-54.
How to cite
Tomczyk, Ł. (2019). Problematyczne użytkowanie internetu oraz portali społecznościowych wśród polskiej młodzieży. e-mentor, 2(79), 44-54. DOI: 10.15219/em80.1411
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