The role of mindfulness in the workplace - possibilities to stimulate the mindfulness of employees
Marzena Syper-Jędrzejak, Izabela Bednarska-Wnuk
While seeking new solutions to social and economic problems, the scientists and business practitioners direct their attention toward the areas seldom explored in the organizational context. They turn towards ideas explored in the other fields of knowledge such as psychology, psychotherapy, and cognitive science. Mindfulness and attempts to use it in management belong to such areas. This study aims to present and analyze the concept of mindfulness and its presence in the workplace, with particular emphasis on the scope and possibilities of applying it. The research method used in this article is analyzing literature and inferring what has already been researched regarding that issue. The study has lead to the conclusion that mindfulness management affects the practice of managing people, especially in the process of selection or training of personnel. It can also be a significant moderator of employees' behavior in the organization in the context of shaping a workplace, preventing occupational stress or achieving the work-life balance, which in turn transfers into efficiency and productivity of the entire organization.
Applying elements of mindfulness can also be a response to some of the contemporary challenges faced by organizations, and as such, it proves to be an attractive management tool. Above all, mindfulness is a kind of lever, affecting many organizational variables and facilitating the management of the social ecosystem in the organization.
Keywords: mindfulness, work environment, modelling of emploeeys' behavior, occupational stress prevention, work-life balance
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 61-67.
How to cite
Syper-Jędrzejak, M. i Bednarska-Wnuk, I. (2019). Znaczenie mindfulness w miejscu pracy - możliwości pobudzania uważności pracowników. e-mentor, 2(79), 61-67. DOI: 10.15219/em80.1413
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