Response of the labor market to the needs and expectations of Generation Z
Martyna Bieleń, Jakub Kubiczek
We are witnessing a generational change in the labor market. The baby boomer generation is being replaced by the representatives of Generation Z. The different environment both generations grew up in, as well as technological advancement over these several decades, are reasons these generations have completely different characteristics. The conditions a given generation grew up in influences the needs and expectations in private and professional life. This becomes a challenge for employers who have to adjust workplaces to their requirements. Moreover, a workplace atmosphere can be the important determinant of an employer's competitiveness in the labor market. Literature studies have shown that, although there are many studies on Generation Y (preceding), there are few studies describing Generation Z (succeeding) in the labor market, thus creating a research gap. The purpose of this study was to explore how companies adapt to generational change in the labor market, i.e. to characterize both the ways and the extent to which enterprises adjust workplaces to the specificity of employees representing Generation Z. The main focus of the study were issues related to a friendly office atmosphere, the latest technology, ambassador programs, internships and apprenticeships, benefit packages, onboarding and CSR. According to the research results, enterprises make changes in order to adapt to Generation Z, however, they do not promote these changes excessively. Firms and organizations should consider developing reports on their efforts to adjust to generational change in the labor market.
Keywords: Generation Z, labor market, workplace, managing generational diversity, competitiveness, human capital, organization management
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 87-94.
How to cite
Bieleń, M., & Kubiczek, J. (2020). Response of the labor market to the needs and expectations of Generation Z. e-mentor, 4(86), 87-94.
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